How can a Clerk of Works provide assistance on a Construction Project?
Sub-Contractors are frequently allowed to work substantially unsupervised, especially for specialist work for which the Contractors Site Team does not have the necessary experience to monitor the work and workmanship. In this instance a Clerk of Works with the appropriate experience can provide, through inspection of work in progress, an independent assessment and report and subsequently advise if the completed work is in accordance with the drawings, specification and to a high standard of workmanship.
If it is work that is critical to the satisfactory performance of the finished job, the presence of a report from the Clerk of Works can be very useful in order to prevent or document potential problems that may arise later within the defect’s liability period. This type of defect is often difficult to identify and expensive to rectify
Our Clerk of Works would issue written weekly reports for site operations, reports for, and attend if required, site meetings, record and update on any non-compliant items, report on health and safety, carry out testing procedures and to work closely with the Client, the Client’s Project Managers, Architects, and the Contractor. This approach provides the Client with peace of mind to know that the job will be delivered as they had originally set out and envisaged. As Clerk of Works, it is our duty to police the works against the requirements laid down in the specification, working drawings and adopted standards. We believe that by adopting a very proactive approach and acting immediately following the realisation of a potential problem, we can assist in mitigating risks.
We at Gage-Tupper believe that the combined knowledge and experience of our Team together with a proactive approach can ensure that the project is built correctly in accordance with the drawings and specification to achieve a high quality and professional finish. This approach and our ‘do it once and do it right’ ethos will assist in achieving completion on time and within budget. This in the long term would also reduce the whole life cost of the buildings and consequently provide savings to the Client.