When is a Clerk of Works required on a Construction Project?
A Clerk of Works is not a requirement on any construction site as such, but they will assist in helping achieve a high standard quality product through their rigorous inspections.
We recognise that Contractors do not ‘self-police’ effectively, so the need for a Clerk of Works should not be underestimated. They act as impartial, independent Inspectors and guardians of quality, they can monitor construction work for compliance with specifications and drawings while upholding agreed standards of workmanship.
This approach provides the Client with peace of mind to know that the job will be delivered as they had originally set out and envisaged. As Clerk of Works, it is our duty to police the works against the requirements laid down in the specification, working drawings and adopted standards. We believe that by adopting a very proactive approach and acting immediately following the realisation of a potential problem, we can assist in mitigating risks.